CBT Cable TV Subscriber Conversion Information
After the conversion to the new CBT Digital Cable, you may have noticed that duplicate channels have been removed. Previously, some channels were available on their Standard and HD Channel numbers. Now that we are all digital, the HD version of those stations has migrated to their Standard number.
Examples: KTIV which was previously on Channels 4 and 39.01 is now only on Channel 4 in its HD version. ESPN which was previously on Channels 32 and 82.2 is now only on Channel 32 as HD.
The updated Silver Channel Lineup is available in printable PDF format here. https://wp.me/a6YWnH-Un
You can essentially cross off Channels 39.01, 39.13, 41.13, 41.30, 42.03, 42.13, 82.2 and 82.12 from existing Channel Lineups.
If you are still having issues receiving all channels on your TV, please unplug your TV, plug it back in, and perform a new channel scan.
1) Using your remote or the buttons on the TV itself, locate the Menu or Home button.
2) Use the up, down or left and right buttons to move through the on screen menu and locate the Set Up or Settings menu.
3) Select System or Channels.
4) Select Program Channels, Auto-Program or Digital Scan.
5) Press Select or Enter to start the scan. Wait until the scan is complete before manually changing your channels.
Additionally, if your TV set does not have a QAM tuner, you will not be able to receive the new signal. (If you are currently receiving the “dot” channels like 39.03 Me TV, 41.50 Grit, 39.01 KTIV etc, your TV most likely has the QAM tuner, and you will receive all the new channels.)